Remember when you were first engaged? You were thrilled and excited. And unless you had already been planning your wedding for a while, you also felt utterly clueless. Take singer/actress Jennifer Hudson. As we reported last week, the Oscar-winner is now engaged to David Otunga (Punk from VH1's "I Love New York 2"). But this week, Hudson told that she's been too busy to figure out the details of her upcoming nuptials. She said, “I’m thinking, Wait a minute. How do you do this? Where do you start? I don’t have a clue at all where to begin." Isn't it nice to know that even people who are rich and famous feel that way too?
Jennifer Hudson's self-titled debut album is out today. She will also be on the big screen this fall in "The Secret Life of Bees" opposite Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah, Sophie Okonedo and Dakota Fanning. Read more on
J-Hud on Wedding Planning 101
Edible Wedding Favors
Wedding experts have been saying for years that many of the best wedding favors are edible. The good news about that is edible favors are usually cheaper than other kinds of goodies and they almost never get left behind for the cleaning crew. You can make your own or if you don't have time (most of us don't) you can buy ones you really like.
Cookies and Cake

signature petit fours
From: Beau-coup Wedding Favors
Minty Fresh

Jordan Almonds


Sparkling Cider

So, Who Wants To Marry a "Bishop"?
You know...
Everytime you think this story can't get any more bizarre, it does. It seems Bishop Thomas Weeks III is already looking for a new Mrs. and he's turning to the internet to get it done. For those who haven't been keeping with the story, Weeks was married to televangelist Juanita Bynum. But she ended up filing for divorce last year and he pleaded guilty to assaulting her in a parking lot. Both sides have written about "what happened" and have even more materials for sale than they did before. Just drama, drama, drama.
Our friends at Black Web 2.0 have informed us that Weeks has launched a new website with a webisode called “Who will be the next Mrs. Weeks”. The webisode is also for sale on his other website. (Scroll ALL the way down.)
Maybe he doesn't think his personal life has received enough publicity over the last two years??? Anyway, in an Associated Press article Weeks said "On the ministry side she has to be very diverse. She can't be ugly."
Bynum is expected to respond to this latest turn today. Oh joy.
Weddings & Rumors of Weddings: Part Deux
Gilbert Arenas and Laura Govan.
Alright, let's start with the one that's most likely to happen. The Washington Post is reporting that the Wizards superstar and his girlfriend of seven years are now engaged.
The couple has two kids together. They met in 2001, when he was a Golden State Warriors draft pick and she was doing PR for the Sacramento Kings. Since then, they've had a rocky road, but they've stuck it out. They're still being pretty hush-hush on the wedding date.
Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian.
Don't know what possessed him, but this week the New Orleans Saint superstar sat down with and talked about his relationship with Kardashian, the Hollywood uh... Actress? Socialite? Sex tape star? Aw heck, why is she famous again? Anyway, whatever she is her man likes it because Reggie let it slip that marriage is in the plans. He didn't specify a date or time. But he said the day of reckoning is coming. Reggie, just send us an invite, OK?
Naomi Campbell and some really rich guy.
We know what you're thinking. Naomi is a catwalk pioneer, but this sister has a reputation for being a little "extra". Hey, look at it this way: Isn't it delicious that there really is someone for everyone? Several international news outlets are reporting that wedding bells could soon be ringing for the supermodel. Her current beau, Russian billionaire Vladimir Doronin, has hinted that he may be ready to propose. And what a coincidence! Just this week Naomi has been spouting off about how she's ready to settle down and have a family.
Russell Hornsby Wedding Photos
Actor Russell Hornsby is a married man after tying the knot in the islands. This is just one of the stunning photos from his truly magical day. The folks at Essence have much more so take a look.
Where There's A "Will", There's a Way!
-by Pocahontas
If I ask you when your birthday is you could spout it off in your sleep, couldn’t you? Great. Well let me ask you something else. When is your deathday? *cricket, cricket* Tough one, eh? We know neither the day nor the hour, do we? Well, one thing is for sure. Out of 100 people how many of them are going to die? Yep, all of ‘em. So how many need a will? YES, ALL OF THEM! Would you believe there are people out there who are stumped by that last question?! I hope you weren’t one of them! If you don’t think everyone ought to have a will clearly you’ve never seen or heard of a family fighting over someone’s assets! And even after seeing something like that or hearing bout it happening to someone would you believe there are still people in these United States of America who would tell you, “Oh I don’t need a will because of ‘xyz’ reason”. And ‘xyz’ could range from any excuse as foolish as “I can’t leave my stuff to my spouse because I’m not married” to “I don’t have any money to leave anyone.” Typically, I just look at people like these with my, “Are you kidding me?” face (unless they are my clients then I just break out the stats and educate them.) Regardless of your marital status or your checkbook status, everyone should have a will (and probably a Power of Attorney and Advanced Directive/Physicians Living Will), but for now let’s just concentrate on a will.
There are plenty of people with no spouse in the world. But guess what? Some of them have kids and if you do they are your most precious asset. Shouldn’t you have a written document specifying who takes charge of their care if you don’t come home tomorrow? And it isn’t enough that you told your “mama and ‘nem” to raise them in the event something happens to you. How do you know who is TRULY going to uphold a verbal contract like that when you are six feet under?
Likewise there are plenty of people with only 20 bucks to their name right now, but does that mean they don’t have items of sentimental value or monetary worth like jewelry, keepsakes, etc. that they want to designate to a specific person if God forbid something should happen to them rather than having the cleaning people just come in and trash it once they are gone? If you are married you can’t just assume your husband and/or kids will be the ones to keep your heirlooms. Whose to say there won’t be an argument over it with one of your parents who lay claim to it because they say they bought it for you so by rights it’s theirs. You know they say weddings and funerals bring out the BEST and the WORST in people. So don’t underestimate that sweet mother of yours. Why leave to chance things that a simple piece of paper can solve. If one legal document can ensure all your expectations and requests are met if you are no longer around to carry them out then why don’t YOU have one?
Pocahontas is a licensed Financial Coach and has been in the industry since 2005. She can be reached at
Rock This Funky Vote!: Campaign Watch
Ladies, we are already getting reports of "fuzzy math" and "strategery" afoot in polling jurisdictions across the country. We are simply not having it. Double check your voter registration to make sure you don't get turned away at the last minute by nonsense. Here is the latest information we have from longtime member iamamrs.
- by iamamrs
Yes, everyone should check with their state since every state has different cutoff dates for registering. Cutoff in NC is October 10. I just found out OneStop Voting (the registration part) in NC is not valid for the Presidential election.
Here is a link to the voter registration deadlines in each state: Rock the Vote: Voting Dates and Deadlines
And here is the information in case you can't follow the link:
State Voter Registration Deadlines
Alabama Fri, Oct. 24
Alaska Sun, Oct. 5 (postmark by Sat, Oct. 4)
Arizona Mon, Oct. 6
Arkansas Mon, Oct. 6
California Mon, Oct. 20
Colorado Mon, Oct. 6
Connecticut Tues, Oct. 21
Delaware Sat, Oct. 11
District of Columbia Mon, Oct. 6
Florida Mon, Oct. 6
Georgia Mon, Oct. 6
Hawaii Mon, Oct. 6
Idaho Register at Polls
Illinois Tues, Oct. 7
Indiana Mon, Oct. 6
Iowa Fri, Oct. 24
Kansas Mon, Oct. 20
Kentucky Mon, Oct. 6
Louisiana Mon, Oct. 6
Maine Tue, Oct. 21
Maryland Tue, Oct. 14
Massachusetts Wed, Oct. 15
Michigan Mon, Oct. 6
Minnesota Same Day Registration at polling place
Mississippi Mon, Oct. 6
Missouri Wed, Oct. 8
Montana Mon, Oct. 6 (or same day at elections office)
Nebraska Fri, Oct. 24 (mail by Fri, Oct. 17)
Nevada Tue, Oct. 14
New Hampshire Same Day
New Jersey Tues, Oct. 14
New Mexico Tues, Oct. 7
New York Fri, Oct. 10
North Carolina Fri, Oct. 10
North Dakota N/A
Ohio Mon, Oct. 6
Oklahoma Fri, Oct. 10
Oregon Tue, Oct. 14
Pennsylvania Mon, Oct. 6
Rhode Island Sat, Oct. 4
South Carolina Sat, Oct. 4
South Dakota Mon, Oct. 20
Tennessee Mon, Oct. 6
Texas Mon, Oct. 6
Utah Mon, Oct. 6 or in person Tue, Oct. 28
Vermont Wed, Oct. 29
Virginia Mon, Oct. 6
Washington Mon, Oct. 4 (or Mon, Oct. 20 in person)
West Virginia Wed, Oct. 15
Wisconsin Wed, Oct. 15 (or on Election Day at polling place)
Wyoming Can register at polls
Foxy Mamas: Mother of the Bride Dresses
Looking for some fresh options for Mother of the Bride (or Mother of the Groom) dresses? Of course you want the Mothers to look as wonderful as they'll feel, because after all it's their big day, too. They will look perfect as long as they don't clash with your color scheme and don't resemble the hostesses. So, go ahead and allow them to glam it up- whether in bold colors, pretty pastels or magnificent metallics!
Women's Suits
Le Monde
Jordan Fashions
Jacqueline Bridals
Forever Yours
More helpful links:
TJ Formal
Women's Suits
House of Brides