How to Include Your Dog in Your Ceremony

Yes, perfectly normal and healthy people are doing this. These days, including a cherished cat or dog in the wedding ceremony isn't just for people who should be seeking help on Discovery Channel. So we want to make sure that any readers thinking about it get the right information. For some tips, we turn to Heidi Ganahl, the CEO and Founder of Camp Bow Wow. If you've already determined that your pooch has the right temperament to be part of the wedding party, here's what she recommends:

Giving Fido a "training day" by taking him to the wedding location before the ceremony. Heidi says, "Have him practice walking down the aisle and reward him with a treat.

Give him a fresh bath or grooming, along with a nice ensemble to coordinate with the wedding party.

Heidi also says you should avoid having an overly hyper dog at the wedding by allowing Fido to "run, play and get out lots of energy before the wedding."

Be sure to assign a chaperone to Fido- someone who will make sure he gets his bathroom breaks, carries his vittles-and-water and makes sure doesn't sneak human food.


Lissa (The Wedding Bistro at Bellenza) said...

My, this is original! Very helpful post, though. I'm sure true dog lovers will arrange for this "responsibly" (for the sake of their beloved pet & their wedding guests)!

Jane said...

Love sharing the festivities with the pooches! Cute dresses on the first couple of (puppies) too!

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